Month: January 2007

  • Three Little Words

    “Say it.” “It.” “No, c’mon. It’s not so tough: three little words…” “Three little words.” She snorted, flipping her short brown hair off of her cheek and over her ear. The smallest hint of a smile played at the corner of her eyes. He continued to walk towards dinner, hands in his pockets, her arm…

  • Apologies

    So, I took a week off. After two whole days of writing. But, the basement’s clean, and my running mileage is where it should be. Nothing to be ashamed of.

  • Taillights

    There are arguments which will end up in mutual reconciliation, arguments in which end with one party groveling, and some arguments for which there are no words applicable. In the final case, the arguments fall into two polar cases. In the better of the two cases, there is one party who, in hindsight, was completely…

  • Recoil

    The swell broke over the heaving deck of the submarine. Reaching behind him, Seaman Martin took the five inch round from the feeder, cradling it in his left hand and steering it with his right, into the waiting breech of the cannon. “Loaded” he called out over the reports from the small arms in the…

  • NeYeWriMo 0.1 Beta

    So, let’s expand on this a little more. What’s my goal? My goal for this year is to successfully complete NaNoWriMo after last year’s miserable failure. After a little bit of soul searching, I determined that my failure was mostly based on the fact that I do not now, nor have ever, actually written fiction.…

  • Trainer (12 January 2007)

    The surreal thing was watching the wheels spin below him, Feeling the exertion in his legs and lungs, but still having the sweat fall straight down from his nose and impact the floor. Winter training was a lonely beast, he thought, clicking down a cog and really stomping on the pedals. His trainer was in…

  • 11 January 2007

    The black book was nondescript, lying on the ground . Opening the cover revealed an inscription: If found, please return to : Bob Dickerson, Stonington, Ct.”. Inside was a diary, a record of a life. Frankly, there wasn’t much there – meetings, vacations, small social events. Bob lead a mundane existence as a regional sales…

  • NeYeWriMo

    New Year Write More I suppose it’s pretty self-explainatory. I want to write fiction, but don’t. The solution is to do it. So, let’s strive for 100 words/day. No plot, no nothing. Just plain-old fiction.

  • 10 January 2007

    The mist had rolled in off of the sound, giving the impression f being in a room too small, in an unheated house. He pulled his jacket ighter around his chest, and continued the trudge to the bar. Yellow light spilled out of the ancient doorway into the street, and the warmth of human bodies,…